Officers’ Planning Meeting
Officers’ Planning Meeting
The officers' planning meeting will be in the McGivney room at 7:00 pm. Members are welcome to attend, and all Knights must present their valid membership card for entry.
The officers' planning meeting will be in the McGivney room at 7:00 pm. Members are welcome to attend, and all Knights must present their valid membership card for entry.
We will be hosting a rosary to support the 40 Days for Life efforts to end abortion. This will be at 2pm on March 3rd, and will be at two locations. A group will meet at 1:30 to carpool to Planned Parenthood on NW 23rd Street while another group will meet in the parish chapel...
The regular council meeting will be in the McGivney room at 7:30 pm. All Knights must present their valid membership card for entry.
BLOOD DRIVE - March 10th In coordination with the 4th Degree, there is a blood drive and breakfast scheduled for March 10th. There are still plenty of openings to donate. What could be better than giving a small part of yourself to help others. CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP The 4th Degree will be selling breakfast burritos...